Kevin Cagle’s Anguish Over Circumcision Ends in Suicide


Circumcision and the Suicide Death of Kevin Cagle by Intaction March 31, 2015 Another young man with his whole life ahead of him decided to tragically end his life. The psychological and emotional harm from circumcision led to anguish, despair, [...]

Kevin Cagle’s Anguish Over Circumcision Ends in Suicide2023-04-16T22:24:59-04:00

Why Alex Hardy Killed Himself After Circumcision


August 8, 2020 Alex Hardy sent his mother Lesley Roberts an email explaining his decision. It was about why her son, a promising young man, decided to kill himself over a circumcision gone bad. He wrote, "It quickly became apparent [...]

Why Alex Hardy Killed Himself After Circumcision2020-08-09T00:50:51-04:00

Mother’s Pain Over Infant Circumcision Death


March 10, 2019 Originally posted to Facebook This is the story about a baby, Emmitt Tailer Goss. He died days after his circumcision at Forsyth Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina due to infection after circumcision. This story was written by [...]

Mother’s Pain Over Infant Circumcision Death2020-08-11T00:14:08-04:00

The Lesser Known Complication Of Circumcision | A Parent’s Regret


by JONI EDELMAN June 8th, 2017 Hospitals are quiet at 6 a.m. Nurses are arriving for shift change, carrying giant insulated mugs full of caffeine, trying to look awake. The smell of coffee and scrambled eggs comes from the cafeteria; [...]

The Lesser Known Complication Of Circumcision | A Parent’s Regret2020-08-05T13:12:45-04:00

Malpractice Botched Circumcision NYC Bellevue Hospital


Hospital Overrides Parental Instructions, Then Botches Penis A botched circumcision at Bellevue Hospital filled a Manhattan infant’s first months with pain, a mom claims in court papers. An intern circumcised Karina Collado’s baby boy without asking the mother. This happened [...]

Malpractice Botched Circumcision NYC Bellevue Hospital2020-08-28T10:18:14-04:00

Lawsuit over botched baby circumcision


Georgia Lawsuit Filed Claiming Botched Circumcision MAY 29, 2015 13:26 EDT Atlanta, GA, May 29, 2015 -The Law Firm of Jonathan W. Johnson, LLC filed a lawsuit on September 25, 2014  in  Clayton  County  State  Court  on  behalf  of  their  [...]

Lawsuit over botched baby circumcision2024-06-09T23:45:20-04:00

Death Follows Circumcision In California


Baby dies following circumcision Sacramento CA: March 8, 2013 Baby Brayden prior to circumcision. Photo credit: Facebook Brayden Tyler Frazier died last week after circumcision may have placed him in a fight for his life, a fight he was [...]

Death Follows Circumcision In California2019-10-22T00:33:53-04:00

$700,000 Massachusetts court award for botched circumcision


Parents say they suffered severe emotional distress; $700,000 settlement Published: 9:25 am Thu, June 21, 2012 By Mass. Lawyers Weekly Staff An 8-day-old baby suffered an amputation of a portion of the ventral glans of his penis at a Jewish [...]

$700,000 Massachusetts court award for botched circumcision2020-08-28T09:56:40-04:00

Circumcision Death for NYC Baby at Beth Israel Hospital


Baby's Shock Circumcision Hospital Death in New York City By CYNTHIA R. FAGEN, New York Post The grieving family of a tragic Queens toddler are blasting doctors at Beth Israel Hospital in Manhattan -- accusing them of botching a simple [...]

Circumcision Death for NYC Baby at Beth Israel Hospital2020-08-21T10:07:54-04:00