Colorado has become the 18th State to acknowledge that infant circumcision is unethical and a wasteful allocation of resources by terminating Medicaid funding for infant circumcision.

In the June 2011 Provider Bulletin, the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing states:

Elimination of Reimbursement for Circumcision
Effective for dates of service on or after July 1, 2011, the Department will no longer reimburse claims for circumcision. The following CPT codes will no longer be reimbursed: 54150, 54160, and 54161. This change does not affect the CHP+ Program. Please contact Dana Batey at [email protected] or at 303-866-3852 with any questions. applauds this move, and we call on more States to end financing for this violation of a child’s body integrity.

Colorado Medicaid Provider Bulletin