The Health Equality Campaign is a non-profit legislative advocacy organization. The Campaign works to overcome medical establishment bias that conveniently places revenues over bodily autonomy. We pursue strategic legislation to give parents sufficient information to make informed healthcare decisions for their children. We seek to provide children with the protection they deserve with regards to their bodily autonomy, and to be safe from ENTIC (elective non-therapeutic infant circumcision) bias.
Long-standing systemic health and social inequities have put many racial and ethnic minority groups at increased health risks, especially when healthcare systems (and consolidated corporate medical practices) prioritize revenue over patient outcome. The business relationship between insurance companies and healthcare systems often leave the patient-stakeholder under represented.
Healthcare systems, in a race to increase revenue along with their systemic bias may attempt to manipulate state Medicaid programs. As healthcare systems become bought out and consolidated the dominant players are acquiring greater regional monopolistic power, and this can place minors at greater risk.
Infant circumcision is the starkest example of what is wrong with the American “fee for service” medical system.
The Campaign seeks to protect children under both private and Medicaid insurance from the unnecessary and painfully traumatic practice of routine infant circumcision.
Insurance coverage of ENTIC (Elective Non-Therapeutic Infant Circumcision) is based on the business model where unneeded services are promoted to provide greater hospital revenue. The medical industry lobbies insurance companies to pay for these services, and insurance companies in turn eagerly increase premium rates. The “fee for service” healthcare system and the “for-profit” insurance industry have been unwilling to stop these conflicts of interest.
State by State Medicaid Coverage for Neonate Elective Infant Circumcision
With regards to infant male circumcision we seek to :
- Prohibit solicitation and pressuring of parents to circumcise
- Prohibit use of dangerous medical devices
- Require doctor adherence to a mandatory analgesia policy
- Ending government financial incentives which jeopardize children’s bodily autonomy
- Ensure hospitals provide a fully informed consent policy outlining all risks of circumcision
While achieving these goals, we can help parents make better choices, reduce Medicaid costs, protect children, and improve the health & well being of New York’s residents.
The Campaign is dedicated to vigorous and effective legislative advocacy that will deliver results for our cause. We will target states that offer the best strategic opportunity opportunity for change. We will deliver solid and smart messages to key decision makers in the public sector.
The Campaign will endeavor to influence New York State legislators, and other levels of government to support healthcare equality and a harm reduction legislative agenda. We believe we can lobby for incremental change to state policy, regulations, and laws to hasten the decline of circumcision rates.
Our messaging will, at all times, be consistent with our mission – that every child has the inalienable right to an intact body. We will advocate against both male and female genital mutilation (circumcision) and gender assignment surgery on intersex children.
We will also promote an intact body positive message so legislators understand and value the anatomical and psychological importance of an intact body. Together we can reduce the suffering of children and provide them with better health outcomes so they may start their lives with the fullest potential.
We achieve equality by promoting policies that afford equal treatment for all genders. We work with legislators to address the policy issues that affect the health of all Americans. We oppose hospital systems that engage in rent seeking behavior via promotion of ENTIC circumcision.
Established in 2020, and founded by Anthony Losquadro, the Health Equality Campaign (HEC) is a registered 501 c(4) organization. HEC is the lobbying arm of Intaction. Federal law requires us to maintain a separately funded entity when we engage in legislative and political advocacy.
The campaign supports public policy aimed at reducing the harm and suffering of children from the practice of genital cutting or circumcision.
We are privately funded with a sole mission to improve public health policy. We do not have ties to the healthcare or insurance industry.
Per IRS regulations, donations to the HEC are not tax deducible.