Amazingly featured on a front page article, journalist Jess Swanson extensively takes on rarely discussed issues about circumcision and sexual well-being for men. By personally interviewing several men on the issue, she describes how they have tried to overcome the debilitating effects of circumcision. The article goes on to describe in detail the techniques involved with foreskin restoration. She then explores the reasons why men are attempting to regain that which was taken from them at birth.

Published in New York City’s Village Voice, it’s a widely read free publication distributed throughout NYC’s five boro’s. A similar article was also published in the Miami New Times.

In the Voice article the author goes on to discuss how people, like those of Intaction, have gone beyond foreskin restoration by conducting advocacy to prevent the next generation of children from being affected. Intaction Directors Anthony Losquadro and David Grant were interviewed on several occasions for this article.

This article is a further manifestation of the cultural changes that are contributing to the decline of genital cutting of children. The fact that this issue is even being discussed, no less on the front page of a newspaper, shows how far our movement has advanced. Genital cutting advocates are now placed in a much more difficult position when touting the alleged benefits of circumcision, when thousands of men are attempting to reverse just that. Furthermore, men who engage in foreskin restoration are more likely to become involved in genital integrity advocacy adding to our ranks of the I DID NOT CONSENT MEN, and concerned people from all walks of life.

We want to recognize men like Ron Low of TLCTugger ( that have been leaders in the area of foreskin restoration. Ron has proudly promoted restoration by designing his own devices and promoting them in numerous TV appearances. He has single-handedly and unashamedly taken foreskin restoration and genital integrity advocacy to a new level.